Figured I'd show off my silly little Pixelation challenge entries.

32x32 dinosaur




9x13 2-color





Small character animation


Non challenge stuff

Great job!
very cool might i say
All i can say is wow.
Nice! That diving board thing is sweet. =)
In response to Scoobert
I can't even say that...
Showoff! :P
Very nice.

The eye is especially good.
Very nice work! I love the 2-bit animations. You put quite a bit of detail into those dinos as well. Excelent shading. Nice animation on the clown. Lots of character. And, wow, the tree and eye are superb! Wish I could do trees so much justice. Well done, Flick. You should pixelate more often, and share!

I'm half tempted to spend at all of the money in my bank account... in order to find you and hire someone to threaten you to make icons for me for free. =)

Seriously, though, have you considered marketting those skills? They're obscenely good.
Whaa, not fair! I want to draw like this too. *puts on a whiny face*

Yes, I am jelaous of people who can draw. But in a positive jelaous way. Very positive.

In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
I'm half tempted to spend at all of the money in my bank account... in order to find you and hire someone to threaten you to make icons for me for free. =)

Seriously, though, have you considered marketting those skills?

Biggest problem for me is I can pixel when I feel like it, but not really for money or threats :) Its much the same with painting. I can actually paint pretty well and have sold a few paintings, but it's just not something I can sit down and force myself to do.
In response to Repiv
Repiv wrote:

The eye is especially good.

Any guesses as to whose eye it is? :)

I was going to do a whole face, but after the eye took me about 4 hours, I decided that would be enough. :)

In response to Flick
Flick wrote:
it's just not something I can sit down and force myself to do.

I'm sure most artists would agree.

That's why I always encourage people who are looking for someone to draw graphics for them to make a fun game first, then when the game attracts some artistic fans, they'll be more inclined to build graphics for your game because they want to.
In response to Foomer
Now if only I could force myself to sit down and program a fun game... ;)
Those are very good... Though I'm guessing your not after C&C I might as well offer some... :)

On the green dinosaur, the tail doesn't really seem to flow... maybe shorten the green line @ the end of it.

Also, on the tree, some of the upper sections of leaves seem too large. Possibly try breaking them up a little a few branches.

Very, very nice animations also!

~Shun Di, Out~
In response to Shun Di
Shun Di wrote:
On the green dinosaur, the tail doesn't really seem to flow... maybe shorten the green line @ the end of it.

While we're at it, his neck looks too pixely. Too much contrast between the dark and the light or something. It looks almost serrated :P